Welcome to the CE Commons
The San Diego Imperial Counties Regional Consortium sanctioned three large infrastructure projects as part of the regional Strong Workforce Program. One of the three projects is development of a regional marketing plan for Career Education programs delivered by the agency, Civilian. The purpose of this project is to create a marketing program that will connect students to our Career Education programs delivered by our various colleges.
You will receive an e-mail prompt when new information is loaded into the CE Commons for your review and comment. Please use the left-hand navigation and select "All Forums" which will lead you to your specific group materials. Once you have selected your group, you will then have access to relevant and timely materials for your review and feedback. As each document is revised with all feedback considered, it will be approved and posted in the Marketing Materials section.
There are two major products in this project: the Situation Analysis and the Marketing Plan. The Situation Analysis has three phases: program data, competitive data, and consumer data. The analysis for each of these portions of the research will be released and posted in this repository for your review and comment. Your feedback is critical to this process.
The developmental timeline for this project is as follows:
Program Data, released October 2, 2017
Competitive Data, released October 30, 2017
Consumer Data, released December 7, 2017
Marketing Plan, released January 15, 2018
Your participation is integral to the success of this project.
Thank you,
Danene Brown, Dean Business & Technology
San Diego Mesa College
SWP Marketing Committee Chair
As a key stakeholder for the San Diego Imperial County Community College Association, your input is highly valued for the Career Education marketing plan underway. This online portal – dubbed the CE Commons – serves as a collaboration platform allowing you to review important materials as they are developed. Use the left-hand navigation to review documents, join discussions, and lend your expertise to the strategies recommended by the team at Civilian. To request access please email Requests@SDImpCommons.org